He takes after Matt
Oct 17, 2010We survived the first night with Bosco much better than I expected. He slept through the night in his crate (in our room). Matt took him out around 6am to potty and then we got to cuddle in bed with him for a couple of hours. OMG! Every day should start with puppy cuddles!
He is quite the sleeper. Seriously, this little dude can sleep through anything. I, on the other hand, did not sleep so great, mostly because I like to worry. I spent the night worrying if he was going to sleep through the night and is he healthy and what about that little ball of sleep I wiped from his eye. Oh my. It's going to take some time to get used to having a healthy dog. I think I'll feel much better once he gets his last round of shots and gets the all clear from our vet.
We are starting to see bits of his personality already. He's one determined little guy. Once he found the handle to the hose reeler in the backyard there was no keeping him away from it. Even physically removing him from the area proved pointless. He'd play for a minute and then run right back to it. And whoo boy! He does not like it when you stop him from doing something he wants to do. I'm definitely going to need human training for this dog.
Stubbornness aside, I think he's going to be a really great dog. He's super sweet, likes to cuddle and give kisses and is unbearably adorable when he pounces on his toys. He also seems to pick things up pretty quickly. He's starting to respond to his name and has already figured out the back stairs, which means potty training is in full swing.
Right now he's zonked out by the couch. Which is the only reason I can actually type this right now. Keeping up with him is definitely going to keep us on our toes. But come on...look at that face. He's totally worth it.